
Construction litigation is a complex area of law involving numerous parties, intricate contractual relationships, and significant financial stakes. One of the most critical phases in construction litigation is discovery, the pre-trial process by which parties obtain evidence from one another to build their respective cases. This article aims to summarize the role of discovery in construction litigation, highlighting its importance, the methods used, and strategic considerations for both plaintiffs and defendants.

Understanding Discovery

Discovery is designed to prevent surprises at trial, promote the settlement of disputes, and ensure that both parties have access to relevant information. It encompasses several methods, including interrogatories, depositions, requests to produce documents, and requests for admissions. In the context of construction litigation, discovery often involves technical documents, project records, and expert testimonies.

Types of Discovery Methods

1. Requests for Admissions

◦ Definition: Requests that the opposing party admit or deny specific statements or facts.
◦ Use in Construction Litigation: Useful for narrowing the issues, establishing specific facts as undisputed and establishing versions of contracts between parties

2. Interrogatories

◦ Definition: Written questions one party sends to another, requiring written answers under oath.
◦ Use in Construction Litigation: Commonly used to obtain background information, identify critical witnesses, location of documents and discovery materials, and clarify the parties’ positions.

3. Requests for Production of Documents

◦ Definition: Requests for the opposing party to provide specific documents or categories of documents.
◦ Use in Construction Litigation: Crucial for obtaining project records, contracts, emails, communications, drafts, change orders, and other documents relevant to the dispute.

4. Depositions

◦ Definition: Oral questioning of a witness under oath, with the testimony recorded for later use in court.
◦ Use in Construction Litigation: It is essential for obtaining detailed information, assessing the credibility of witnesses, and preserving testimony.

Importance of Discovery in Construction Litigation

Clarifying the Issues

Discovery helps all parties clarify the issues in dispute. Construction projects often involve multiple contracts, subcontractors, suppliers, drafts, plans and a myriad of documents. Discovery lets parties sift through this complexity and focus on the key issues.

Building a Strong Case

A thorough discovery process enables parties to build a strong case by gathering all relevant evidence. This is important in construction litigation, where technical details and project documentation can make or break a case.

Facilitating Settlement

Discovery can facilitate settlement by providing both parties with a clear understanding of their cases’ strengths and weaknesses. When parties have access to all relevant information, they are more likely to engage in meaningful settlement discussions.

Expert Testimony

Expert testimony is often crucial in construction litigation; a whole article could be dedicated to this topic. Experts can provide opinions on construction standards, project management practices, and the adequacy of work performed. Discovery lets parties identify and depose experts and obtain expert reports.

Strategic Considerations in Discovery

Planning and Timing

Effective discovery requires careful planning and timing. Parties should develop a discovery plan early in the litigation process, identifying the key information needed and the most appropriate discovery methods. Timely discovery can also put pressure on the opposing party to settle.

Managing Costs

Discovery can be expensive, particularly in complex construction cases. Parties should be mindful of the costs associated with discovery and consider cost-effective strategies, such as focusing on the most critical documents and witnesses.

Document Management

Construction litigation often involves a large volume of documents. Effective document management is essential to make sure relevant documents are identified, preserved, and produced promptly. This may involve using document management software and using a systematic approach to organizing and reviewing documents.

Dealing with Objections

Parties may encounter objections during discovery, such as claims of privilege or relevance. Understanding the rules governing discovery objections and being prepared to address them is essential. This may involve filing motions to compel discovery or negotiating with the opposing party to resolve disputes.

The Role of Technology in Discovery


Electronic discovery (e-discovery) has become increasingly important in construction litigation. E-discovery involves the identification, preservation, collection, review, and production of electronically stored information (ESI). This can include emails, digital documents, databases, and other forms of electronic communication.

Benefits of E-Discovery

E-discovery offers several benefits, including the ability to handle large volumes of data efficiently, improved accuracy in document review, and the potential to uncover valuable evidence that may not be available in paper form. However, e-discovery also presents challenges, such as the need for specialized software and the potential for significant costs.

Best Practices for E-Discovery

To effectively manage e-discovery, parties should follow best practices, such as:

• Early Planning: Develop an e-discovery plan early in the litigation process.
• Preservation: Implement a litigation hold to ensure that relevant ESI is preserved.
• Collection: Use appropriate tools and techniques to collect ESI.
• Review: Employ technology-assisted review (TAR) or other methods to efficiently review large volumes of ESI.
• Production: Produce ESI in a format that is accessible and usable by the receiving party.

Ethical Considerations in Discovery

Duty to Preserve Evidence

Parties have a duty to preserve relevant evidence once litigation is reasonably anticipated. This includes both physical documents and ESI. Failure to preserve evidence can result in sanctions, including adverse inference instructions or dismissal of claims.

Confidentiality and Privilege

Parties must be mindful of confidentiality and privilege issues during discovery. This includes protecting privileged communications, such as attorney-client communications and work product, from disclosure. Parties should also consider confidentiality agreements or protective orders to safeguard sensitive information.


Discovery is a critical component of construction litigation, providing the foundation for building a strong case and facilitating settlement. By understanding the various discovery methods, strategic considerations, and ethical obligations, parties can navigate the discovery process effectively. In an era where technology plays an increasingly important role, staying abreast of e-discovery best practices is also essential. Ultimately, a well-executed discovery process can significantly impact the outcome of construction litigation while facilitating the efficient resolution of disputes.

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